About Me

I have been a journalist for nearly 15 years, and have extensive experience in every form of content creation.

Some pieces I'm really proud of

‘I am more sorry than I can say,’ Archbishop of Canterbury apologizes to residential school survivors

After hearing the stories, Welby took a moment to process and give his response.

“You’ve opened a window into hell. You’ve called us to look into hell— where you were. All of us from time to time look into such places, but very few of us have to undergo living it,” Welby said. “And when I look through that window as I listen to you, more thoughts came to mind than I can say now. I cannot order my mind enough. I’m overwhelmed.”

Welby was astonished by the courage of those who knowingly relived

From sweeping Art Hauser Centre floors to winning Paralympic medals; Brittany Hudak’s story

That interaction “completely re-routed” Hudak’s journey of working hard to get a degree and a career, to pursuing the pinnacle of a sport she had seldomly done, let alone taken seriously.

Since then, Hudak has won two Paralympic bronze medals and has attended three different Paralympic Games, in Sochi in 2014, Pyeongchang in 2018 before this year’s games Beijing.

Hudak picked up her Beijing bronze medal she won in the 15km cross country skiing event and showed it to the young female athletes,

‘Kimbo,’ the Raiders’ unsung hero

Nobody ever calls him “Kim” or “Jackson” in between the rink’s walls, as he’s exclusively known as “Kimbo.” He’s the team’s big teddy bear that everybody around the team can’t help but gravitate towards. If he sees you at the rink, expect to hear a loud and warm “how are ya?!” He loves the Raiders and the Raiders love him back.

“We have a good staff here. We have a lot of good guys right from Curtis [Hunt, general manager] and Mike [Scissons, business manager] and the coaching staff, our front

Durocher’s fast ends, but his message will carry on

“When I met a young boy who buried three of his best friends, and his father, and five people in his community, he said ‘I think it’s amazing you’ve walked all this way. You’re so strong.’ I looked at him and said, ‘you’re stronger.’ And I came here to show all the young people, our babies, just how strong they are,” Durocher said.

As those hunger pains roared in his stomach, or a 5 a.m. visit from police woke him up at his teepee, Durocher thought about those who lost somebody they loved to su

‘We’re never going to forget her’: Family and police hold fifth-anniversary walk for missing Happy Charles

“We last had evidence of Happy Charles being right here,” Prince Albert Police Chief Jon Bergen said. “We continue to look and our police service is continuing to find those answers that we haven’t yet found. It’s a real honour to walk beside the family, and feel the emotion they still carry in the search for those answers.”

Kathy Edwardsen, the officer assigned to the Historical Missing Persons and Homicide Section of Prince Albert police, has been working closely with the family through the p

Raider billet dad who created ‘Viper’ nickname glad to see new Protas bobblehead

Roger Pagé not only created the “Viper” name himself but also billeted the Belarussian for the whole time he was in Prince Albert. When Pagé found out the Raiders were making the Viper bobblehead, he couldn’t contain himself.

“I was excited, probably a little too much for a grown adult,” chuckled Pagé.

The “Viper” nickname is actually a shortened version of what Pagé created, with the original being “The Viper of Vitebsk” to tie in Protas’ hometown in Belarus.

Pagé came up with the moniker wh

Black Lives Matter protest peaceful and powerful in Prince Albert

“Didn’t that seem like forever?” Wooden said after the time had expired.

Wooden spoke what those harrowing eight minutes and forty-six seconds meant for Floyd. In that time, he called out for his mother. His last words were “I can’t breathe.” Having Chauvin’s knee in his neck is the last experience of Floyd’s life, Wooden said.

“The image of the officer’s knee on his neck is symbolic of the knee that has been on all black people’s necks for over 400 years. That knee signifies oppression. That

Fred Sasakamoose described as selfless and generous for final farewell

Well before he became FSIN Chief, a seven-year-old Bobby Cameron was in Spiritwood with his parents. He saw Fred Sasakamoose giving away fish from the trunk of his vehicle, and he did the same to Cameron’s parents.

Cameron turned to his parents after and asked why Sasakamoose was just handing out fish to his father and everybody else that came.

“Because he wanted you to eat,” was his mother’s response, Cameron recalled during Sasakamoose’s funeral service on Saturday, live-streamed from the Ah